
Unbrand America

This July 4th I pledge to do my duty and take my country back. www.unbrandamerica.org

Adbusters Newsletter #27: The Media Carta Strategy

Jammers and Cultural Creatives,

One of the biggest challenges in the battle for media democracy is winning the legal right to walk into our local TV station, put down our money and say, "Give me 30 seconds of airtime, I've got something to say." Right now, regular people can't do it. Why? Because the private networks controlling our publicly owned airwaves won't let us. They decide what gets on and what doesn't; if your message doesn't fit their political or commercial interests, they'll simply refuse to air it. They're the world's most powerful censors.

Adbusters readers know that this is why we've launched the Media Carta Legal Battle in Canada's courts. Why Canada? Quite simply, it is among the most media-concentrated countries in the English-speaking world. Single-market consolidation rules are lax. Cross-ownership regulations are virtually non-existent. Together, five media companies own the majority of newspapers and nearly every television and radio station in the country. Meanwhile, government regulators seem more interested in approving the newest specialty cable sports channels than in protecting open discourse and the public interest.

So it's clear that Canada's mediascape is in need of some serious re-arranging. Here's the strategy, as we see it, for taking the voice of the people back:

While our lawsuit is hitting CanWest and the Canadian government from above, citizen action on the streets will generate the vocal public debate that's needed to turn things around. What kind of action? Anything that gets people talking. Anything that gets them asking, seriously, what sort of impact media concentration is having on Canada and around the world. Above all, anything that ramps up the financial and political pressure on media owners and regulators.

At MEDIACARTA.ORG, we've just started getting warmed up. Visit the site to download designs for newspaper-box stickering and to craft letters of support to send to the media bosses. Then take a moment to come up with ways to help mobilize and support media activists around the world; send your ideas to websubmissions@adbusters.org.

Remember - you can keep on top of all of the latest developments in the case by picking up the latest issue of Adbusters or by popping in on the campaign headquarters WWW.MEDIACARTA.ORG

ADBUSTERS #66: Who Owns the Word 'Terror'?

Check out our latest foray into the belly of the beast, hitting newsstands now:

  • WHAT WOULD THE BUDDHA DO? - Zen teacher David Loy argues why Buddhists must get involved in social justice.
  • LIQUID LOVE - A sober second take on the alarmism surrounding online relationships.
  • HOW ECONOMISTS CAN IMPROVE THE HUMAN CONDITION - Paul Ormerod explains why mathematics is not enough.
  • DEPARTMENT OF DOUBLE STANDARDS - How American nuclear policy is doomed to fail in the case of Iran.

Plus analysis and opinion from J. Cafesin, Terry Glavin, Erik Assadourian, Bob Ellis, Jeff Halper, Jonathan Gadir, Michael Byers, Andrés Barriga . . .

Read feature articles online and subscribe now at:



A technical problem with our website prevented us from getting the contact information of those of you who requested a free campus action kit. If you're still interested in helping to spread True Cost Economics on your campus, please submit your info one more time at:


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"Are my jeans too tight?"

Thanks, Sonia!

Imarobot/She Wants Revenge @ Empire

Sometimes by Maaike Lauwaert

Animation by Maaike Lauwaert.
Song "I Found a Reason" by Cat Power

Guilty: Judge Accused Of Using Penis Pump In Court

Court Reporter Fired After Giving Statement

BRISTOW, Okla. -- A jury in Oklahoma has convicted a former judge of exposing himself by using a sexual device behind the bench while presiding over court cases

The Creek County jury found Donald Thompson, 59, guilty on four counts of indecent exposure and recommended one year in prison and a $10,000 fine on each count.

The investigation into Thompson's actions began after a police officer saw a device known as a "penis pump" in the judge's courtroom. The charges involved four separate jury trials in 2002 and 2003.

Long-time court reporter Lisa Foster testified that she traced an unfamiliar sound in the courtroom to her boss. She testified that she saw Thompson expose himself at least 15 times.

Thompson denied using the device and said it was a gag gift that he kept under his bench but he denied ever using it. He suggested that members of the Sapulpa Police Department and court personnel plotted against him.

Foster told her story to authorities only after being subpoenaed, saying she feared she would lose her job. Thompson fired Foster after the investigation began.

Several people testified that they never saw him do anything inappropriate.

The witnesses said they were present during trials when Thompson allegedly used a sexual device called a "penis pump" or shaved himself and never saw nor heard anything unusual.

The witnesses included attorney Creekmore Wallace and Creek County District Attorney's Office investigator Ed Willingham.

Sentencing is set for Aug. 14

Thomas served more than 20 years on the bench in eastern Oklahoma before his retirement in 2004. The conviction will require Thompson to register as a sex offender, and could jeopardize his $7,489.91-a-month pension from the state.

Heaven's never enough, we will never be fooled

Horoscopes For Today: 6/30/2006
Mixing business with romantic networking happens all the time, and you have someone in your mental file cabinet who may have an opportunity for you right now. Be proactive, like the experts say to, and push forward to build this casual contact into a real connection. Building this relationship could pay off in a very big way -- your life may be sent into a new direction. Show them you have what it takes, but try not to come on too strong. Lead with your personality and just be yourself.

Why does this sound suspiciously like 'sleeping your way up the ladder'. I mean really -- "romantic networking"? What the fuck is that? I don't think there is a single human in my life at the moment that I could somehow link business with romance to. Maybe the author of these things is a whore, too. S/he used to just write the copy for the obituaries but s/he romantically networked with her boss and now gets creative freedom to write horoscopes as well. Anything is possible.

I'm totally sick. My throat is so swollen that I can't swallow anything at all and I'm achey everywhere. I felt so terrible when I woke up that I just started crying. I'm such a fucking baby when I'm sick. There was no way I could call in sick so...I'm at work, miserable. I just took some Benedryl cold stuff so maybe I'll be so loopy here pretty soon that it won't matter. Today would normally be a day that I'd be on the phone most of the time calling various doctors and following up on the CIU cases but there is no chance that I'm opening my mouth to talk to anyone. I can make grunting noises without hurting my throat but that's about it. I have a fever as well and keep having gross hot flashes then I'm cold five minutes later. Just sucks all the way around. It's a 4 day weekend and I'll probably spend most of it sick in bed. How lame is that?

I'm starting to suspect that my next-door neighbor has killed a person and is slowly discarding cut up pieces of the body in his garbage can and that weekly he puts an arm or a leg into the garbage can and lets it rot there because it smells THAT BAD. Every week I think, hey its garbage day, maybe the smell will go away, but a few days later the smell is back.

A co-worker just came up to me with a Barbara Streisand CD (The soundtrack for The Mirror Has Two Faces) and said that she was listening to the song "I Finally Found Someone" and thought of me. I cannot for the life of me fathom why....maybe she is my romantic networking partner...


I heart Japan

Japan To Replace Gas Cars With Ethanol Ones

TOKYO -- Japan plans to fight global warming and surging oil prices by requiring that all vehicles on the road be able to run on an environment-friendly mix of ethanol and regular gasoline by 2030, an official said Thursday.

The new policy, adopted by the Environment Ministry this month, will require all new cars to be able to run on a blend of 10 percent ethanol, an alcohol fuel often made from corn or sugar, and 90 percent gasoline, starting in 2010, said Takeshi Sekiya, an official at the ministry's global warming division. Costs and implementation are still being studied.

The switch to ethanol underlines the new urgency felt by industrialized countries trying to rein in the effects of greenhouse gases and reduce dependence on foreign oil.

Ethanol blends are already widely used in Brazil, and on Wednesday, U.S. automakers announced plans to double production of vehicles using the so-called flexible-fuel technology by 2010.

"The main goal is to counter global warming," Sekiya said. "Adopting the new technology is not that difficult."

Japan currently allows ethanol mixtures of up to 3 percent at the nation's pumps, but in practice "almost no cars" run on the fuel, Sekiya said.

To encourage the market, the ministry will ramp up production of ethanol fuel on the southern island of Miyako, where a plentiful supply of sugar cane will be converted into fuel for the island's estimated 20,000 cars in the next three years.

The goal is to have all cars on the nation's roads capable of running on the new fuel by 2030

By mixing in the plant-based fuel, scientists can reduce the harmful greenhouse gases churned out in vehicle exhaust - a top priority for Japan, which is the world's second-large economy and a top air pollution offender, despite being a key driver behind to the Kyoto Protocol - an international agreement to cut global output of carbon dioxide by 2012.

Yet many obstacles remain to a smooth switchover, starting with the fact that ethanol fuel is more expensive than gasoline and contains about two-thirds of the fuel value. Japan's goal of a 10-percent ethanol blend also falls short of the standards being met by U.S. automakers, which are already producing cars that can run on 85-percent ethanol blends.

General Motors Corp., Ford Motor Co. and DaimlerChrysler AG's Chrysler Group have produced 5 million flexible fuel vehicles that can run on 85 percent ethanol. They are expected to produce an additional 1 million of the vehicles this year, and Wednesday's new commitment would lead to 2 million annually by 2010.

While only a handful of cars in Japan are actually running on ethanol blends, all vehicles produced by Toyota Motor Co., the world's No. 2 automaker, already meet the new 10-percent standard, Sekiya said.

The trial run on Miyako will help bring down production costs so the technology can be spread nationwide, he added.

Japan also imports nearly all its oil and is keen to find alternative energy sources

His lame ass rebuttal

Bush's 'drive-by briefing'
Posted by Mark Silva at 11:30 am CDT

WASHINGTON - President Bush, visibly troubled by the Supreme Court's repudiation of his handling of detainees at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, pledged today to "find a way forward" with Congress on trials for many people whom the president maintains cannot be returned home.

"We will work with the Congress," said Bush, saying he takes the ruling "very seriously - I want to find a way forward."

If Congress can draft a law that will enable military tribunals to handle detainees in a way that conforms with the court ruling, Bush said, he will be open to that. "If that's the case, we'll work with them," the president said. "To the extent that there is latitude to work with the Congress to determine whether or not the military tribunals will be an avenue in which to give people their day in court, we will do so.

"But some of these people need to be tried in our courts," the president said.

Bush, who has said he wants to close Guantanamo once plans are made to either return home or try some 400 detainees being held there in the administration's "war on global terror," attempted to turn the issue today to a question of continuing to protect the American public from terrorism.

"The American people need to know that this ruling, as I understand it, won't cause killers to be put out on the street," said Bush, cautiously delivering his first public reaction to the ruling at an East Room press conference with the visiting prime minister of Japan.

"One thing I'm not going to do, though, is I'm not going to jeopardize the safety of the American people," Bush said. "People have got to understand that. I understand we're in a war on terror, that these people were picked up off of a battlefield, and I will.. protect the people, and at the same time conform with the findings of the Supreme Court."

But the president, who maintained that he had received only a "drive-by briefing" on the ruling which was issued during his morning meeting with Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, said he couldn't comment much further on the ruling. "I haven't had a chance to fully review the findings," said Bush, when first asked about it. And, when asked a second time, he said: "I wish I could comment on it... I would... I haven't been briefed enough."

"I'm sorry you had to waste your question," Bush told the reporter, during a session with a visiting foreign leader in which traditionally only two questions are taken from reporters of each nation.

Bush was celebrating the friendship between the United States and Japan with a prime minister who is an Elvis Presley fan, and Bush said he had given Koizumi a juke box for a gift. But, visibly disturbed by the court ruling overshadowing their meeting, Bush opened the floor of the East Room to questions with an allusion to Presley by imploring of reporters: "Don't be Cruel."

"Walking in, I reminded the prime minister of one of Elvis's greatest songs, "Don't Be Cruel," Bush told reporters. "So keep that in mind, huh, when you ask a question."

You don't need to tell me I'm not a cat

Horoscopes For Today: 6/29/2006
Things are really starting to come together in a relationship -- trust is at an all-time high, and this bodes well for building stronger foundations for growth. This is just a beginning phase, so be prepared to take things more slowly than you may want to. Your positive momentum will carry over into other areas of your life -- including an unpredictable family relationship. A wave of growing confidence will give you a taste for competition, so keep an eye out for a chance to prove yourself.

Of more interesting note:

High Court Rules Aqainst Bush In Guantanamo Case
The Supreme Court ruled Thursday that President George W. Bush overstepped his
authority in creating military war crimes trials for Guantanamo Bay detainees.
MORE DETAILS: Click here.


Let's make a fast plan, watch it burn to the ground

Horoscopes For Today: 6/28/2006
Cool, calm and collected beats frantic, hyper and bombastic any day of the week, so keep yourself from veering off on anything emotionally-fueled when you communicate. State your case clearly, and you will have real facts to stand upon, not just heart-felt conviction. This rise in your intellectualism will help increase and hone your mental energy -- you'll be thinking quickly and wowing powerful people left and right with your agile arguments.

I'm going to do my best to just not communicate with anyone at all today. I'm super sleepy and mostly hung over after the SWR show last night, which was amazing. Took alot of pictures, most of which did not turn out so well. I'll post them sometime tonight... My entire upper chest area is totally bruised and really painful but it was absolutely worth it.

3rd day in a row that I've not only been on time to work, but I've actually been early. Yesterday I was about 45 minutes early and so I got to leave early. Hopefully I can keep up this pace. Shouldn't be too hard if I continue to go to sleep at a decent hour.

Not much else going on otherwise.



I'm kinda pissed. This from Sacticket.com:

• Floating on: Bad news for people who love Modest Mouse -- the band just canned the remainder of its tour, including an Aug. 8 date at Memorial Auditorium. The reason for the abrupt about-face? According to a press release, Modest Mouse is on a "feverish pace" to complete its upcoming album and has elected to spend the dog days of August holed up in a recording studio. Refunds are available at point of purchase.

She don't need a thing, she don't need saving or a lay

Horoscopes For Today: 6/27/2006
Most of the time, people respond a lot better to concrete examples than to ambiguous concepts. So try to create a physical form for the ideas you want to convey. Charts, graphs, even amusing cartoons may make the crucial difference in getting your point across. You should exercise your creativity as much as possible and try to integrate physical activity. Dancing or singing offer excellent ways to channel your energy. Find out if anyone's up for a night out.

I was thinking just this thing the other day - I need a way to physically burn alot of energy all at once. Tonight is the SWR concert so I imagine I will be both dancing my ass off and singing my voice away. And just in time. I was starting to think that my poor body was atrophying.

At work early today. Wanted to see for myself first hand how often my boss actually arrives to work on time since I am constantly the butt of her disapproval. Today is not one of the days that she has arrived on time. I've heard that she is usually 10-15 minutes late. The irony is not lost on me...

Got most of the house cleaned up last night. Only thing really left to do is vaccuum again (but I think I broke the vaccuum cleaner) and to clean the carpets. I'm still holding out another week or so on the carpet cleaning since I don't think the mulberry tree outside is quite done making a huge fucking mess of my front yard yet. Last year I had no trouble getting all the mulberry-goo out of the carpets but this year its looking a little worse than last. I think after I clean it all up I'm going to have to reinforce the "shoes stay downstairs" rule.


Don't get lost in heaven

Horoscopes For Today: 6/26/2006
Everyone has an opinion on your life right now -- friends, family members and
even coworkers will all have a few words of advice if you ask them what they
think. Not all of it will be remotely applicable to your situation now, but you
should go ahead and ask them for their feedback. Listen to them all with an
open mind; you'll get a kick out of all the different takes. In the end, you'd
be wisest to do what you always do -- follow your heart.

Feedback, anyone?

After seeing 'An Inconvenient Truth' this weekend I was really excited when I got a news bulletin text message "Supreme Court agrees to consider forcing the Bush Administration to regulate carbon dioxide, a gas linked to climate change, from motor vehicles..." So today I'm hopeful.

Court to consider whether government must regulate carbon dioxide

(Supreme Court-AP) June 26, 2006 - The Supreme Court is setting the stage for what could be one of its most important decisions on the environment.

The high court Monday agreed to consider whether the Bush administration must regulate carbon dioxide in order to combat global warming.

A dozen states, joined by a number of cities and some environmental groups, asked the court to take the case. A divided lower court ruled against them.

They say the Environmental Protection Agency is obligated to limit carbon dioxide emissions from motor vehicles under the federal Clean Air Act. They say that's because carbon dioxide is a pollutant, since it's the primary "greenhouse" gas causing a warming of the earth.

But the administration says carbon dioxide isn't a pollutant under the federal clean air law. And even if it were, the administration says, the EPA can decide whether to regulate it.


Somewhere there is moderation...

Last night I had that freaky re-occuring dream. It was slightly different in that it was changed to fit current events, but the essence of it was the same. This time around it started out that we were laying in bed watching a movie (which we were before I fell asleep) and for some reason that I can't remember a two-dollar hooker got up and left to go drinking with some friends (I think he got a phone call or something). As soon as he left I got up to lock all the doors in the house (it was a really big fucking house with doors on three sides.) I went to the front and locked the door, headed around to the side and noticed that a car was coming up the driveway which was wierd since it was the middle of the night and this was a remote area (apparently). The person got out of the car and started heading around the house rather sneaky like to the front door which I knew wasn't locked because a two dollar hooker had just gone out of it. I ran to the front door (and it was actually left open) and the guy started to run for the door, too. He got to the door just as I was slamming it closed. He was a pretty tore up looking black guy with a mechanics jacket with the name tag XXXXXXXX [edit: realized where this name came from and had to remove it. Sorry.] (all this is re-occuring..this guy is in alot of my bad dreams). We both basically circle all the doors in the house, he on the outside, trying to get in and myself on the inside trying to make sure everything is secure. Eventually, he breaks a window and I run upstairs to get Aislin since it is just me and her left in the house. I can't remember what exactly woke me up, but I was totally freaking out. I woke up and a two dollar hooker was asleep, checked on Aislin and she was too. No idea what time it was exactly, but I don't feel like I've slept at all.

Had a minor melt-down this morning as it seems that everything in my life is working against me somehow or conspiring to make me miserable. Aislin threw away my contact lenses. Thankfully, they are disposable and I have plenty more. Some cat, not sure which, unraveled an entire roll of toliet paper onto the ground. All this was just in the bathroom of course. It doesn't speak to the rest of the house which is in just as much of a chaotic state as that room. Things have to be orderly for me to be able to function around them and when my house is like this I can't function in it much at all.

I've spent the last month or so standing back and watching from a distance as all the more or less important things in my life just fall apart or take a backseat to anything and everything more immediate that gets my attention - (read: look, shiny!) I know how self-destructive this can be and I'm having a hard time getting it all sorted out so I can get myself back on track. It's not possible for there to be more hours in the day for me to accomplish things and I still have to have some downtime to recharge. Somehow, I'm not accomplishing anything nor am I recharging so I'd like to know what happened to all the time?

Baby steps, baby steps. In a small effort to reorganize and clean up I drove all the way to Elk Grove and bought a cheap media shelf to clean up the pile of DVDs and VHS tapes lying in the floor in the 'hallway'. I cleaned up the area back there around Lhiannan's desk and cleaned up the bathroom again. As always, there is so much more to do and I'm just one person. It's hard. Especially when it is so incredibly hot in here.

I met Temperance and Shawn over at Jerry's A&K yard sale. Got a 'bands you've never heard of' CD for a quarter, a ps2 game for a dollar, and a few things for the kids. Of course, I did all this in my pajamas. It was swell. There were a ton of old cattle club posters, shirts, and boxes upon boxes of cds and records but it was just too hot to go through all of it.


"I'll do graffiti if you sing to me in french"

This morning didn't turn out so well, and to make a long stupid story short, I didn't go to work.

I did end up having the time to take care of my "alternative sentencing" bullshit. The lady took one look at me and had pity, doing her best to not assign me to litter pickup. She said she "didn't want to be the bad guy and assigning litter pickup makes her the bad guy". The problem is, I have to do the community service at a church somewhere on 24th Street. Should be...great.

I had to fight a serious urge to cut all my hair off today. I think I still might, but not until this weekend sometime. It's supposed to be 108 degrees today -- who wants hair in that heat? Not me. Hard to cut it short when its so curly though...just makes it curlier and more afro-esque. I'll deal.

I'm insanely bored. Really, super, super bored. I've so far had a solo-dance party at home, took 2 showers just because.

My cat is stupid. I turned the water on in the tub and walked away to let it heat up a bit. I come back and find my cat in the bathtub, getting soaking wet. I thought cats didn't like water, but she will sit on the ledge of the tub the entire time I'm in the shower. This is the first time she tried to swim though.

And that's not even the stupid part.

After I kicked her out of the shower she went straight to the best place possible to dry off -- in the litter box. Yes, the litter box with the 'clumping' litter. Need I say more?


Is anyone braving the heat for the Concert in the Park tonight? There is shade, there is beer, there is gross food, and there is music....


I am the scavenger between the sheets of union

Horoscopes For Today: 6/22/2006
The stakes are getting higher, and you will need to up your competitiveness in order to stay in the game. Don't worry -- you can do it! Even if you were never a varsity sports star, you've got the intensity you need to power through and stay focused on your end goal. You even have your own personal cheerleader who can give you the lift you need to keep your eye on the ball and stay positive. Pepper your day with amusing diversions -- you don't have to be too serious to win.

Wow, what the hell does that mean? I get a personal cheerleader? Is this the same as a life coach? Wow.

There was a mean CHP pulling over a ton of people in midtown this morning. I watched him nab two different cars just in the time it took to get a cup of coffee. I have a boring, boring meeting today that will take most of the day. I brought a book to try and read while I pretend I'm paying attention to the meeting (via telecast).

When I got to work this morning Sonia ran up to me with a notepad of paper which she held up to my face.
The first page said: "I lost my voice."
The second page said: "Hi."
The third page said: "BaLinda made beef and cheese enchiladas and she wanted me to let you know."

It dawned on me with the last page that she had actually personalized her "lost my voice" thing just for me. She's awesome and made me feel special this morning. Sad to think that's all it takes.

[edit: note to self - don't use ms word for blogging anymore]


One beer is a tease...

Oh well.

Today I got an email from some corporate guru informing us that they have laid off another group of NHP related folks (the Gates McDonald workers comp people) and it sounds like they are outsourcing that as well. On top of that I (stupidly) bailed out of a meeting today in which certain things were discussed that made me once again feel a little less secure about my job. The mothership is taking on more and more California work and eventually they may figure out that they don't really need us "overpaid" california people. I finally gave in and found my old resume and started looking at jobs. There were quite a few state jobs I could probably get without a problem and one federal that looked decent.

Aislin told me today that she had to have Sketchers because all her friends at school have them. So I found myself deep in the ghetto at the Sketcher store after work buying light up shoes. There was a Ross (three cheers for cheap ass clothes!) next door so I picked up three shirts that I really needed.

Going to color out the grey in my hair again tonight...I'm aging fast. Some people randomly emailed me and asked if they could do a portrait of me for their art show (click that and check it out -- support your local artists!) and I wanted to reply "can't you tell I'm getting old, grey, and fat?" but I didn't. I should have probably since now I'm feeling more self-conscious than ever. The last thing I think I can realistically handle is some dude taking a bunch of pictures of me that will ultimately end up on display for all of the city to see. This is the very reason that the portrait Josh did of me is in my house instead of on some strangers wall. Yeah. I'll get over it.

It is about 110 degrees in my apartment -- forgot to turn on the AC before I left this morning. I'm melting and its hard to breath. Maybe a beer run isn't such a bad idea after all...

Witty remarks...

Horoscopes For Today: 6/21/2006
Thinking ahead can be daunting. There's no such thing as a crystal ball, and sometimes when you plan too narrowly, you end up making dangerous assumptions. To avoid the pitfalls of forecasting your life, don't get too tied up in timeframes. Just think about what you want in your life and go about getting it. Recent bad habits are preventing you from expecting the best of yourself, so add more discipline to your life and say 'no' more often. Perfection isn't the goal -- happiness is.

Recent bad habits? Add discipline? Say no? I laugh at you, horror-scope maker, I laugh in your face. But still, you're right.


Do you want to come over and kill some time...

Horoscopes For Today: 6/20/2006
If your relationships feel like they're in a holding pattern, start thinking about the future. Where do you want your friendships and romantic partnership to go? The plans you formulate will be powerful reminders of the growth you've made and the growth you still want to make. Ten years from now, the people around you may be different, and you need to be different too. Prioritize who you spend your time with based on who best fits into the future you want for yourself.

I'm pretty sure my whole life is in a holding pattern, not just my relationships with others. Every aspect of my life feels stagnant. Seems that great things are happening for everyone else and nothing in my life has changed one iota. Anyway. Planning ahead in life, especially when it involves other people, doesn't really work for me. Too much room for disappointment there. I've been burned enough already, thank you very much.

Today I will be off to take care of business...a fun filled day of penitence at various court houses around the state. Bleh.


Stolen from Saul's myspace profile

Ya know?


Horoscopes For Today: 6/19/2006
There's a certain enlightening combination of facts, fiction and circumstance
that only you are privy to. That means you'll be in a power position, so use it
wisely. Keep your cards close to your chest and don't spill too much
information. Others may try to pry some secrets out of you, but the more your
share, the weaker your position becomes. Take on as big of a leadership
position as you possibly can. You may regret taking a back seat this time.

too sleepy. don't care.


The rest of the pictures

Can be viewed here.

Lhiannan's Birthday Party Pictures

Obviously I am a badminton ninja super star.
I'll post a link for the rest of the pictures when they finish uploading (there are ALOT).


Cleaning up my camera. Felt the need to induce vomiting...

Aislin's spider bite (about 1.5 weeks after she was bit.) It's much better now.

This is what a vegetarian hot dog looks like after being cooked, put in an ice chest and stuck under a table for about a month. If only I could share the smell with the whole world, too...


Welp, here I am. Sitting. Waiting. Impatiently.
Lhiannan still isn't home for her own damn party yet...I've got stuff to do and I can't because I'm sitting...waiting...impatiently.

I'm annoyed with the cats. I'm considering selling them to (anyone of) the neighbors with the giant rottwieler dogs to use as a toy. Some cat (guessing it was Kyao) shit on my couch. Another cat (probably also Kyao but possibly Meow Meow) shit in the bathtub. No clue why. The litter box is perfectly clean...Fucking cats. I love them; I hate them. This is a new thing though...they are normally cleaner than this. Maybe it's the heat.

I woke up this morning basically hemorraging and I'm pretty sure that with this rate of blood loss I could die anytime. Probably not, but I still feel super crappy. My blood pressure is non-existant and I feel like retching. I would eat something and that might help but the thought of actually putting anything in my stomach makes for a terrible visual as I can see how fast it might come back up. This also means that I can't take any advil (which could save my life and the lives of all those around me that I might kill in a hormonal rage) because right now it would come back up, too. Guess it explains my bad mood lately.

And to think I'm going to go sit out in the 95 degree blazing sun for 4+ hours with kids running around screaming...oh the joys...

My house is somewhat cleaner. Never got to the carpet. Forsaked that bit of fun for running around drinking at the river in the middle of the night. Thankfully, despite all that, I was able to wake up early enough this morning to clean up the common areas of the house. As long as no one comes near my room it should be passable.


carpet v. air conditioning

I really need to clean the carpet. I've moved the furniture that needs to be moved. I've vaccuumed the floors. The only thing left to do it plug the cleaner in and go to work.

The dilemma -- If I plug this thing in and turn it on with the air conditioning on the fuse will blow leaving half of the apartment without electricity.


I can clean the carpets without the AC, but it's hot enough in here that it makes it hard to breath


I can wait until late at night to clean the carpets when I can turn the AC off, but I will probably get distracted by then and not do it.


I can just suck it up and get it over with sans cool air.

O' the conundrum (how do you spell that?)

My reward is that I'm treating myself to a six pack of beer, a few emergency cigarettes, and a movie night with the phones turned off.


And I'm real damn sure that anyone can, equally easily fuck you over

(Dark Center of the Universe - Modest Mouse)

Horoscopes For Today: 6/16/2006
You've been firing on all cylinders lately, and this mad pace must stop -- and soon. Now would be the perfect time to take a break. Deadlines can wait, and there are not going to be any fires erupting any time soon. Relax your mind and stay close to home \(or any other place where you feel you can totally be yourself\). Although it's tempting, avoid completely vegetating in front of the TV, instead, work on a fun project or dig your way through a compelling book.

Since I've gotten into the habit of using *some* lyric from whatever song I happen to be listening to while I post these as the titles I suppose I should start crediting them so no one sues me. Hence the song title at the top. It's also a reminder to myself that Modest Mouse will be at Memorial on Aug 8th and if I don't remember to get a ticket I may in fact kill myself for my stupidity.

I admit -- this horoscope is bullshit. I have been as lazy as possible lately. So...I'll pretend it's opposite day and try and actually meet a deadline or two. Maybe even throw in a little productivity just because I can. I do have a serious "project" to work on tonight - my apartment looks like the health department should come in and take over. I'll be cleaning, bleaching, and shampooing carpets until the wee hours of the morning tonight. That's the plan anyway. I'd hate for it to look like complete shit for my daughter's friends that are coming over for the night on Saturday. Ok, I admit... I don't really care too much about what the kids think but it's bad enough that their parents are going to actually come into my (terrible, terrible) neighborhood and see all the places they only hear about on the news. I don't want the inside of my apartment to continue to look like the outside ghetto.


6 month inventory

The last six months have been amazingly life changing for me. I've dropped all pretense of living day by day. I've done things that I would never have thought of doing, or was too afraid to do, or was told by others that I could not do. I have no idea why this was on my mind but I was sitting in the backyard daydreaming and...well, even though today wasn't a very good day...whatever.

In review...

I've finally gone to L.A. (twice) and neither time did I go to Disneyland or any other theme park.

I've visited Damon, finally. A piece of my heart lives in Arizona and it's nice to finally be able to visit, even under the extremely sad, emergency circumstances that brought me there. I already miss everyone there.

Of course, I've gone other places, too. Mostly the Bay Area, but nothing new. Finally got to see the National in SF.

I was the lead female actress in a short exploitation horror film - the DVD will be released sometime this summer. Who'd have thought I'd have the nerve for that?

I've met SO many people that, had I continued on the life path I was on, I would never have been allowed to meet. I am eternally grateful for all my new friends and even more grateful to those friends that stuck with me through the rough time I was going through last year. You are all so much better friends than I am. I love you all.

I've mended broken friendships and come to terms with the friendships that needed to be broken.

I've learned that broken hearts actually do mend and they don't stay broken forever. Not all men are unworthy of the oxygen on this planet (though I still believe this for a large percentage...)

I finally belive that I really -can- take care of myself (and my family). With that knowledge I am confident that I won't have to rely on anyone but me.

I am capabale of great things -- if only I try.

I've tried out actually celebrating American holidays. I actually got my first christmas tree this past year and made my own ornaments. I liked it.

I've done things for ME!

Now...back to doing things for others. (It's actually quite fulfilling...)

When you stand in front of my eyes I'll make sure I look away

Horoscopes For Today: 6/15/2006
Sharing your life with someone is a choice -- friends and partners in your past have always provided you with the support you need, but right now someone could be morphing from a supporter into a controller. Observe your social calendar -- who's been making all the rules? Before things get out of hand, start flexing your own muscle and making your own choices. If you get some attitude about it, then slowly phase this person out of your plans. Life is too short not to live your own.

What if it's not a choice, eh? Like...kids for example who constantly determine my calendar? I haven't been at work since last Thursday and now that I'm back things are slightly overwhelming. It's nice to feel like I have purpose again though. While the last few days have certainly been relaxing and thoroughly enjoyable they were not productive by any stretch of the imagination. So, back to the grind for me.

Aislin's bite wound is healing up nicely. She refuses to take the antibiotics that have been prescribed because the medicine tastes like shit. I can't really blame her. I had to take alot of antibiotics as a kid and I remember that cherry flavor nasty medicine. I couldn't eat anything cherry flavored for years after. She is happy to be back at school and running around with her friends.

I went to court yesterday for the littering ticket...and because Sacramento Police have nothing better to do I was fined $361 (which I can make monthly payments on) and 8 hours of litter pickup. Yes, that's right. I'll be out on the highway in one of those orange vests picking up your fucking garbage. I guess I deserve it.
Please don't throw anything at me.

With the demise of Jovan's living arrangement I have offered to take on his kitty, Kyao. She is easily the biggest, fluffiest cat I have ever seen. She and Meow-Meow do not get along very well yet but Meow-Meow has stopped freaking out every time she shes Kyao which is progress. Mostly Kyao hides under the couch but she has started to wander around a bit. This morning one of the plants in my window in the kitchen was knocked over and in the sink. It was the larger of the two plants so I'm guessing Kyao was up in the window rather than behind the couch at some point last night...

Lhiannan's birthday will be this weekend at McKinley Park. Sunday I'm driving her to her dads house in San Jose for the summer. This year has just flown by...


Hope is Emo

Hey, it's my power month

Your Birthdate: April 6

You tend to be a the rock in relationships - people depend on you.
Thoughtful and caring, you often put others needs first.
You aren't content to help those you know... you want to give to the world.
An idealist, you strive for positive change and dream about how much better things could be.

Your strength: Your intuition

Your weakness: You put yourself last

Your power color: Rose

Your power symbol: Cloud

Your power month: June




I did not wear a sandwich sign with the book emblazoned across the front of it however, I'd like to think that in my own small way I promote the book quite a bit.

I brought the book and shared it with several co-workers. A few of them have been witness to the previous life changing experiences from the previous year's books. A couple, and I have to say that it surprised me, were even interested in getting the book.

I also promote the book with this here silly blog.

You can see a million people's TBWCYL blogs at http://www.thiswebsitewillchangeyourlife.com but let's face it -- mine is the best. Well, maybe Jonas has the best one...

Coming soon - Obedience Day, Cannabalism Day, Marry Jonas Day, Emigrate to New Zealand Day...

The real lights can make you heavy, but never really empty.

Before 9 am this morning I found myself bundling Aislin up barefoot and tossing her in the car to run her over to my mom's for an emergency "mom look at this; what is wrong?" session.

When I saw her this morning, Aislin's leg was completely covered in ALOT of blood. I would guess that it had been bleeding all night long as some of it was so thick and caked on that it was nearly black. There are bloody footprints all over the bathroom and her sheets are covered in blood, too. After 30 minutes of trying to stop the bleeding we ran to my mom's.

Mosquito bite, my ass.

As far as I can tell it is still oozing blood. My mom said that the pressure had built up so much that the wound is draining itself. She said there is no way it could be a mosquito bite and it is most definitely a spider bite of some sort. Even she was leaning towards the Brown Recluse angle. It has been exactly a week since she got bit and I would have thought that if it was indeed a brown recluse bite that it would have started ulcerating by now. She told me that a friend of her's was bit and it was over two weeks before her wound was bad enough to go to the doctor and that Aislin's looks similar. She cleaned it up with polysporin and guaze which absorbs more blood than a band-aid. Need to remember to change the bandage twice a day...

Otherwise things are eerily quiet here. Everyone is off in their own space doing their own thing. It's refreshing. Going to get a few more household things done today and perhaps a bit of rearranging. Was looking for a tv on craigslist today and found a few potential bargains but they all ended up being located in Davis. After I pay for the gas the tv's aren't cheap anymore. I don't really need a tv, but I need to do something with this fucking entertainment center that has been sitting in a corner of my bedroom for months now. It's fucking up my feng shui.

Almost done uploading all the photo albums.
You can view what's there so far by clicking here.



Another repost.

This sort of thing works better if it is a Sunday, but Day 2 fell on a Monday.

I went to work on Monday with every intention of proselytizing all day long to my co-workers but being an Atheist it sort of never panned out that way. In the end, I claimed I was Jesus (say this out loud with Hispanic pronuciation). That's right, just plain ol' Jesus.

Unfortunately, no one bought the idea and it was pretty lame.

What do you expect for a Monday?



From Encyclopedia Dramatica:

After Al Gore invented the internets, years of evolution revealed what the public wanted from the explosive and powerful new media:

  • Porn
  • A way to auction collectible dolls, beads, and holy cheese sandwiches to an international market (See also Ebay)
  • A vehicle for inflicting insipid personal musings, boring dream recounts, bad poetry, and hare-brained opinions on more than family and coworkers.

American industry immediately addressed the first two needs but it was not until the advent of the blog that the third was fulfilled. A weblog is a website maintained by an individual, clique or organization for the purpose of posting articles about a specific subject. Weblog entries are presented in reverse chronological order and in Cinemascope with Dolby 5.1 sound.

Many weblogs allow visitors to leave public comments, which can lead to a community of readers centered around the blog, while others are non-interactive. The totality of weblogs or blog-related websites is usually called the blogosphere.

Popular Blog Topics

"Blogs," as weblogs are more commonly known, come in variety of flavors.

  • Politics
    • Author Profile: Intense, angry, probably a virgin
    • Typical Talking Point: The government sucks!!!
    • Representative Public Reply: OMG!!! Noes u suck!
  • Celebrity
    • Author Profile: Fat, horny, obsessed
    • Typical Talking Point: I want to suck Brad!!!
    • Representative Public Reply: OMG!!! He's gay!
  • Literature and The Arts
    • Author Profile: Neurotic, irritated by spelling erors, married to sock puppet
    • Typical Talking Point: How low has sunk our once lofty level of discourse.
    • Representative Public Reply: OMG!!! You're gay!
  • Philosophy and Theology
    • Author Profile: Loud, dogmatic, product of incestuous parents
    • Typical Talking Point: Does a spiritual hammer of righteous always trump a cosmic shield of purity or does that only apply to dwarves?
    • Representative Public Reply: OMG!!! You're too lame to be gay!
  • Journal
    • Author Profile: Likes mirrors, masturbates so often is becoming bored with it
    • Typical Talking Point: Blah blah blabbittyblahblah blah blah ME!
    • Representative Public Reply: OMG! I know what you mean!!! Once I blahblah blahbittyblah blah blah ME!
    • Note that journalists like LJ users sometimes react violently when others accuse them of keeping a weblog. Blogs clearly are nowhere near as interesting as someone's diary, consisting of 50 memes and pictures of the author costumed in full furry regalia.

TBWCYLA - DAY ONE (Take two)

I said I would start over, but I lied.
I will repost these until I get to the day I left off on so...here is Warm Up Day!
(reposted from 11.2005)

Today change your life in a small way.

Available options:

Lose one ounce of weight.
I don't have a scale so there isn't much of a way to measure this. I just peed -- hopefully it was an ounce worth.

Basejump off a chair.

Donate your baby teeth to science.
Duh, the tooth fairy took these a long time ago.

Save the life of an ant.
I looked for ants outside of my front door where there are always ants and I'm sorry to have to report that there were no signs of life and that despite my best intentions I was too late. The woman that lives downstairs, Carmen, has this thing about watering the grass, plants, sidewalks and the street in front of our house several times a day. This event, known in the ant kingdom as "The Great Flooding" has made life for the ants difficult at best. This morning, again, everything was soaked and no life was to be found. Thinking towards the future, I could either 1. Turn off the water to our house thus preventing her from watering the ground, 2. Hide her hose & spray nozzle. However, I am human and since I don't want to get on the wrong side of this inter-species war I looked deep inside myself for other ways to help the any cause. In my household I have only one rule regarding the life and death of any insect and it has one exception: If it is outside in it's own kingdom let it live even if it is ugly and creepy. If it sets foot in our house it is dead. The exception is spiders that appear to be poisonous. I will admit that unless it is a Daddy Long Leg spider I will assume that it is poisonous (and please elitist arachoid fans do not preach to me that Daddy Long Leg spiders are 'the most poisonous spider but their mouths are too small to bite you'. I didn't buy it when my grandparents told me and I'm not buying it now.)
There is a creepy looking, potentially black widow spider that I discovered last night living in the crack in the wall where the air conditioner sits in the building next door to me. I do not know if black widow spiders eat ants but I'm going to assume they do because they are evil fucking bitches. With that said - I scared away the spider and it crawled back into the wall it came from. Ok, I admit, I was too scared of it to get close enough to kill it. Do those things jump? They have eight legs, how can they not?

Tell your deepest secret to the talking clock.
My clock doesn't talk. Where can I get a talking clock?

Go on a one-man protest.

Make a small dream come true.

Sow one seed of anarchy.

Dye your hair its natural color.
I did this a few weeks ago already.

Watch a different TV channel.
Instead of watching the 'snow channel' I've changed it to the 'spanish snow channel'.

Eliminate avocados from your diet.
I can't afford avocados now -- so done!

Gamble $1 on a horse.

Write the first letter of a novel.

Graffiti with a pencil.

Join a sect part-time.

Get a microscopic tattoo.
Already got it! It says hi, i'm a small dot. Just really tiny, you know?

Clear out your belly button fluff.
All clear!

Sexually harrass yourself.
I grabbed my own ass and winked at myself suggestively. If you want to see the pictures please send $20. Thanks.

Demons despise the sound of shaking paper

No snazzy horoscope today. Look it up yourself.

Didn't go to work today...mostly a lazy day. Went down to the courthouse to try and get 1 of 2 tickets taken care of only to find out that I actually have to appear before a judge. Kinda bites. C'est la vie.

Today was also Aislin's pre-school graduation. It's crazy...seems like I was going to Lhiannan's pre-school graduation just recently and she's about to be in 5th grade.


I've been going through the millions of ridiculous pictures saved on this machine, sorting them, and uploading them into my shutterfly album. As soon as I finish I'll post the link which should have all the pictures that I haven't had time to post here for...well, for about the last month or so. Great fun!


Everyone's a voyeur, their watching me watch them, watch me right now

Horoscopes For Today: 6/8/2006
A newly learned life lesson is saving you time -- and helping you feel a lot better about yourself. Why not share this finding with someone else? A particularly confused friend is searching for inspiration, and you can be the one to help them find a new route to explore. Teamwork is going to help both of you in the end. Don't be shy about taking a dominant role in a new partnership; your years of experience should count for something, after all.

I wonder what my newly learned time saving life lesson is. As soon as I figure it out, I promise to share.

I have decided to start This Book Will Change Your Life Again (Benrik) over. It makes sense since I only completed about 17 days. 17 out of 365 is not very good.

Meeting in two minutes so no time for much else.


I wanna remember to remember to forget you forgot me

Horoscopes For Today: 6/7/2006
Your energy is high, but you will be out of sync with most people. While things are crystal clear to you right now, other people are still in the dark. And try as you might, you won't be able to get them to understand. Let them figure things out on their own, and don't let them hold you back. Keep going and they will eventually catch up. A separation will try your patience, and remind you how valuable the people in your life are. Tell those you love how you feel about them.

Hmmm. I am definitely feeling the out-of-sync part.

I have an extensive to do list for the rest of the week and now that pay day has arrived I can finally finish the various things I have had going on lately. I am really feeling the need to do some spring cleaning around the house. It is getting cluttered with stuff that has no business being there. I am going to ask some friends if they could help me take some thing out to the dump just to get it all out of the way. (Shawn? Tempie? You reading this? Can I get a lift?)

I have back to back boring meetings this morning. I am super hungry. I lost another pound in my sleep last night. The sleep diet is working well for me so far.


Amusing Myspace Emails



Date: Jun 5, 2006 2:03 PM

Subject: ?


Can I ask you something?



Date: Jun 5, 2006 2:21 PM

Subject: RE: ?




Date: Jun 5, 2006 2:31 PM

Subject: RE: RE: ?


Would you go to the event on my page?

It feels to trendy! I don't know, I'm just having trouble getting people to go!


I didn't respond.


Date: Jun 6, 2006 9:45 PM

Subject: ?

Maybe it was a dumb question!



Date: Jun 6, 2006 9:59 PM

Subject: RE: ?


heh...i would have...until the 10000000000 bulletins that blocked anything anyone else had to say.



Date: Jun 6, 2006 10:13

Subject: RE: RE: ?

Body: LOL....Gotta love myspace!



Date: Jun 6, 2006 10:22 PM

Subject: RE: RE: ?


So whats the deal?
You really like your pictures?
Or dose reality cover you from time to time?



Date: Jun 6, 2006 10:26 PM

Subject: RE: RE: RE: ?

Body: yes, i look exactly like a marble statue sprawled across the floor in a museum in paris.

would i lie?



Date: Jun 6, 2006 10:29 PM

Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: ?


Great, did I really set myself up for that?
I did mean your other photo's....
I guess trying to sound cool on the internet is like coming in first place at the Special Olympics! I'm still just a retard!



Date: Jun 6, 2006 10:45 PM

Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: ?


Sorry, it was hard to resist.
And no, I don't look like that. I payed a stunt double to take myspace pictures.

Ok, sorry. Now that I've gotten that out of my system I'll be nice now.



A good time for change

Basically I was really bored with the stupid plain blog template so I changed it. I guess that's all the excuse I need.

The only real difference is that the title is gone and until I fix it...which I will tell you is not happening anytime soon...you are all going to have to learn to use the navigation menu. I'll put up a snazzy Witless Nude link to make it easier since most people come here via a specific post then would click the title to go to the main page.

Oh the agony I've brought upon all seven of you that read this....

I'm feeling restless with the lack of momentum (well, lack of anything) in my life lately so I'm trying out little changes to make me feel better.

I've re-registered for school. I know, you're saying "Again?!". Yeah, again. I'll get that fucking Math class out of the way if it's the last thing I do.

Work still sucks.

Kids are still crazy. Lhiannan's birthday is coming up and we are going to plan another barbeque thing at the park. She goes to her dad's for the summer probably on the 18th of June so I've really got to hustle to get the party planned this time instead of screwing around until the last minute like Aislin's party.

Not much else to say, really.

Just finished reading a crappy book. Going to move onto what I hope will be a less crappy book.

I had my back turned; you didn't realize

Horoscopes For Today: 6/6/2006
There is no point in trying to be everyone's best friend -- it's an unpleasant fact of life that not everyone will always like you. More importantly, you don't need everyone to like you. After all, if you want to win a popularity contest, it's all about pleasing others and living up to their expectations, and that's not going to get you anywhere in the long run. Stick to your path and don't worry if you ruffle a few feathers along the way. They'll get over it, so you should get on with it!

Good thing I’m not trying to be anyone’s friend right now. Curious to know who it might be that doesn’t like perfect ‘ol me…

So…Mount Merapi continues to erupt. It makes me tingle in unmentionable parts of the body. They just evacuated about 11,000 villagers (in 40 trucks…wonder how long that will take…) If there was ever a reason I’ve wanted to visit Indonesia this is it.

I discovered last night that I’ve gained 5 pounds over the last few weeks. I went to sleep, woke up, and lost ½ pound. I’m going to hope that this sleep diet of mine works.

Meow-Meow was feeling playful this morning while I slept and knocked over a glass of ice tea that was sitting on the table by my bed. It spilled all over the place and woke me up. After I cleaned it all up as best as a half-asleep person can do there was pretty much no chance that I would be getting back to sleep. I got coffee, went to Noah’s, and STILL somehow made it to work at 7:30 this morning. It seems that when I want to be late I’m early…when I want to be on time I’m late…

I think I’ve managed to somehow screw up my shoulder fairly badly. I have no idea how I did it, but moving my arm is painful. Sucks since I’ve got about a million boxes I need to be lifting and putting away on shelves. I also have a GIGANTIC (no exaggeration here) bruise on my leg that is not only disgusting to look at but hurts pretty bad. I had a hard time figuring out what clothes to wear yesterday because even cloth touching it was painful and its so gross that I obviously can’t wear a skirt. Today I settled on the baggiest nasty pair of jeans that I own which works out fine considering I’ve put on those extra pounds.

8:22 am and I’m already bored to death at work. Another day, another dollar.


More Post-It Sadness

Found on my computer screen at work when I came back from lunch. Work sucks ass with everyone gone.

[edit: by the way kayte, the answer is yes.]

She likes disco and she tastes like a tear

Horoscopes For Today: 6/5/2006
Why limit yourself? Today offers wonderful experiences for every one of your senses -- including your sixth. Take full advantage of every opportunity and keep your eyes and ears wide open. Not only will you be handsomely rewarded, but you will discover a few new playful obsessions. The best way to find new stimulation is by experimenting, so step outside your comfort zone and investigate some intriguing new flavors, sights and sounds!

A new playful obsession? Hmm…sounds nice to me.

Not much doin’ today – it’s still too early.


With vampires that lurk in the silver shadows

Horoscopes For Today: 6/2/2006
Just because you've been close to someone for years doesn't mean you know them like the back of your hand. There are new depths to explore in your relationship. If you can't understanding their actions or changes, you must ask them. Open up communications. You will both turn a corner together, and what lies ahead of you is a lifetime of adventures and joy. Let this positivism buoy you in other areas of you life. Even at work, you can create a bright future by talking more honestly.

Silly psychic, I’m always honest and asking questions when I don’t understand something/someone. Well, 99% of the time anyway.

I’m sleepy.


Don't get offended if I seem absent-minded, just keep telling me facts and keep making me smile

It's officially official. This place is completely silent and dead. I looked around and could not find another co-worker anywhere. I know some are staying behind for another month or so, but I have no idea who...

Everyone's gone and it's too quiet and sad.

I love the sound of you walkin' away

Horoscopes For Today: 6/1/2006
You'll see something odd, but you should understand that is a clear sign that you're on the right track. Results are piling up left and right, and you need to feel proud of yourself -- even if no one else is patting you on the back. One or two relationships are moving to a deeper level and you might not feel up for the challenge, but you are. Don't fret if people are clamming up or hiding behind their walls; your patience is all they need to come out and share themselves.

I don’t see odd; I see dead people. What if I’m not only not feeling up to the challenge but I’m the one clamming up and hiding behind a wall? It’s a pattern I tell you – I’m a creature of habit.
Regardless of this silly horoscope the Sac Bee says today is a 10! That’s right. This happens to me maybe once a year so I’m going to 10 it up all day. I am feeling mostly rested for once having finally done a bit of catching up on sleep. The cat did not attack me once all night (of course I locked her out of my room…) I still have a headache which has downgraded from migraine and moved to the front of my head leaving it with the title “tension headache” which makes more sense since it’s probably stress related. At least with that I can take an advil or four and live with it.

Last night before I left work we started scavenging the now empty desks looking for “stuff” that might come in handy. I was able to restock my post-its (because I love post-its) and also grabbed some sort of paper holder thingie. To date I’ve managed to scrounge up a new printer for myself (in high demand and I’m surprised they let me take it – even supervisors have a hard time getting approval for a printer) and a set of drawers (also something I was told I couldn’t have before since I am not a supervisor.) My desk is actually clean and spiffy looking.

It appears two people we have offered positions to have accepted however both of them will be returning to school at the end of summer and so we will have to go through the whole hiring/training process again. We have one more position open, and the person we are looking to hire has no plans to leave for school so if we can just get the approval for that then we will be fully staffed (at least temporarily) and the stress of this stupid job will ease up a bit.

Sounds like 10 material.