

Horoscopes For Today: 1/31/2006
Every now and then, it's important to purge -- to rebirth and start over. Since the Moon is new as of this morning, this is the perfect time to do it. Your ultimate goal may be to cleanse your mind, your body, your spirit or your heart, but it’s always good to begin with your surroundings. Go through your home a room at a time -- every corner. The more thoroughly you scour, the cleaner and clearer your thoughts will become, too. Get rid of the old and make room for the new.

Ironic. I started doing this yesterday. Guess I should have waited until today. I finally took apart my (new) vacuum cleaner to find out why it wasn’t working right. Turns out it was constipated from all the pine needles. I literally had it in 30 pieces all over the house. Took awhile to put it back together and I sliced both of my hands up in the process getting blood all over my clothes (of course the only day I would wear off-white pants...) I cleaned the carpet in the living room (it looks so much better now). I got one of those fish tank vacuums and cleaned the tank and bought new light bulbs for it. I washed every single blanket, towel, item of clothing in my house except for the couch cover because Josh was still sleeping on it at the time. Next is me. I’ve been holding out on my miniature detox plan because I was concerned about losing weight when I don’t have much to lose. I got a good book with helpful tips and I also got a scale so I could actual monitor myself. I started buying nearly all organic food and using allergen free detergent for my clothes…I feel squeaky clean.


Vacation nervousness

As I sit here making car reservations for my roadtrip/vacation I'm actually starting to get a bit nervous. Everything is going right for once...which is so unusual. The only negative thing so far is that Christina, whose house I'll be staying at, is actually going to be in Sacramento on the dates I am going to be down in L.A. (Feb 17-20). Not a HUGE deal, because I can still use her house, but sucks nonetheless.

Finally, a grow-up vacation!
I'm sitting here plotting and planning all the places to stop along the way and the places I'd like to see once I'm there. There will be no Disneyland on this trip. I'm looking for grownup time only.

But really....I had no problems getting a babysitter/house sitter for the trip. The car I want to rent is available. I don't have to worry about a hotel.

It's rad!

Didley Squat/Daycare/The Skirts - Old Ironsides


Nevada Backwards/Jackpot - Marilyn's on K

I'm sorry but I'm too tired to put these into any kind of real chronological order.

Nevada Backwards
Avoiding a cloud of smoke...

Reggie trying to talk on the phone at the front of the show...

You know how I know you're gay?

Square dancing in Capital Park
More Jackpot

Um. I don't know.


More art - Junta 2006






Who Cares




Aislin's new baby brother?

Well, it's official. Josh and Britney may not be able to speak to each other but she is having the baby. Sometimes I feel bad for him when I watch him mope around the house and moan "oh Britney" all day long. Other times I feel like smacking him upside the head for getting a 17 year old pregnant after a three week relationship which at the end he was supposedly happy to be out of. Now he says he wants to be with her and loves her (huh?) and who really knows. She won't even talk to him. Hopefully they will get it resolved. But hey -- Aislin is going to get the baby brother she has always wanted!

Aislin: Mommeeee, can I have a baby brother?
Me: You have a sister.
Aislin: Nooooo, I want a brother.
Me: Aislin, Mommy can't have anymore babies. My baby making stuff is broken.
Aislin: Mommeeeeeeeeee
Me: (jokingly) Ask your dad. He can make babies.
Josh: No way, Aislin. Daddy's not having anymore kids.

(The next day)

(Josh walks to my car shaking and freaking out.)
Josh: Oh my god, we have to talk.
Me: Why?
Josh: Well, you remember that girl I was seeing before I left for L.A.?
Me: No.
Josh: Well, she's pregnant and she says it can only be mine.
Me: (inside I'm laughing and I know that is cruel) Oh. Aislin will finally get her brother!
Josh: Shut-up, it's not funny!


Horoscopes For Today: 1/25/2006
That new, interesting person you've been told to expect shortly? How does today sound? Good? Great. Now, for the preparations: First, drag everything you haven't worn in forever out of your closet -- because you haven't been in the mood to wear something different -- and choose something. You're fishing for interesting, right? So dress interestingly. It's not like you're not brave enough to pull it off -- that's for sure. Next, last and most importantly: Be prepared for a 'coincidental' meeting.

This is why I saved that other days horoscope. Can I use it now? This is like astrologically buying a vowel...


Josh's Art


This should be fun to follow...

Priest Must Prove In Court Jesus Christ Did Exist

ROME -- Lawyers for a Roman Catholic priest have been ordered to appear in court next week after he was accused of unlawfully asserting that Jesus Christ really existed.

The Rev. Enrico Righi was named in a 2002 complaint filed by Luigi Cascioli after Righi wrote in a parish bulletin that Jesus did indeed exist, and that he was born of a couple named Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem and lived in Nazareth.

Cascioli, a lifelong atheist, claims that Righi violated an Italian law against fraudulently deceiving people. He considers the Gospels biased and other evidence of Jesus' existence scant.

Cascioli added that his ultimate goal is the European Court of Human Rights, where he intends to pursue his case against the church for what he calls "religious racism."
Copyright 2006 by The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed

Weekend and 1.23.06

Weekend Horoscopes

Look at all I missed!

Horoscopes For Saturday: 1/21/2006
Better keep a box of tissues handy, because you're about to become unusually sentimental. Nostalgic, even. And maybe in the mood to reminisce. No, that's not at all like you, but that won't matter. Whatever you're feeling at the moment will emerge, regardless of whether you're comfortable about letting others see it. So if you've been trying to hide your feelings for a certain someone, you should probably just forget about it. Why disappoint yourself?

It was a weird Saturday. And I was unusually sentimental and nostalgic. I haven’t been hiding any feelings for anyone thought, so maybe early PMS? Who knows.

Horoscopes For Sunday: 1/22/2006
A gathering of kindred spirits is coming up soon. You'll definitely be notified and invited, and while you're there, you may even cross paths with someone who either was or will be quite appealing to you for a variety of reasons. If they're from the past, give 'em another shot. If they're brand-new, don't get too caught up in the why's of it. Just enjoy the connection. In a very subtle way, this person may affect your life for some time to come.

Sunday was equally boring although I did go to the grocery store and Home Depot which was the highlight of my day. So, I’m saving this one for a rainy day. I like this one.

And then there is today:

Horoscopes For Today: 1/23/2006
Secrets, whispers, and intrigue are the specials the cosmic menu is offering up today -- and that will suit you just fine. For once. Ordinarily, you're a big fan of doing things in the most direct manner possible, but at the moment, you're ready, willing and able to provide the world with a dose of mystery. That will go double if the person you've been spending the most time with lately seems to think it's fun to hide something from you.


Dolly Parton Tribute