Horoscopes For Today: 1/31/2006
Every now and then, it's important to purge -- to rebirth and start over. Since the Moon is new as of this morning, this is the perfect time to do it. Your ultimate goal may be to cleanse your mind, your body, your spirit or your heart, but it’s always good to begin with your surroundings. Go through your home a room at a time -- every corner. The more thoroughly you scour, the cleaner and clearer your thoughts will become, too. Get rid of the old and make room for the new.
Ironic. I started doing this yesterday. Guess I should have waited until today. I finally took apart my (new) vacuum cleaner to find out why it wasn’t working right. Turns out it was constipated from all the pine needles. I literally had it in 30 pieces all over the house. Took awhile to put it back together and I sliced both of my hands up in the process getting blood all over my clothes (of course the only day I would wear off-white pants...) I cleaned the carpet in the living room (it looks so much better now). I got one of those fish tank vacuums and cleaned the tank and bought new light bulbs for it. I washed every single blanket, towel, item of clothing in my house except for the couch cover because Josh was still sleeping on it at the time. Next is me. I’ve been holding out on my miniature detox plan because I was concerned about losing weight when I don’t have much to lose. I got a good book with helpful tips and I also got a scale so I could actual monitor myself. I started buying nearly all organic food and using allergen free detergent for my clothes…I feel squeaky clean.