g e n e r a l
1. Spell your first name backwards - einahpets
2. Story behind your name - I don't know...from what I understand my mom just liked the name.
3. How old are you - 27
4. where do you live - South Oak Park (read: ghetto) Sacramento, CA
d e s c r i b e y o u r
5. Wallet - black left handed wallet. In poor condition. In need of a refill...Ok I just need a new one in general.
6. Hairbrush - Old...ratty...I need a new one of those too. My hair is all falling out and so there is alot of it in my brush. Gross, I know.
7. Toothbrush - Blue Oral B
8. Jewelry worn daily - Navel ring. Celtic knotwork ring on my left middle finger.
10. Pillow cover - Various colors. Some smell like boy. Some smell like girl. All need a washin.
13. Sunglasses - I wear glasses and so... I just don't have any sunglasses
14. Favorite shirt - The one that I actually don't have yet - it's in the mail. Says Girl Scouts with the girl scout logo and has the 'gone wild' stamp over it.
15. Cologne/Perfume - Dunno..
16. CD in stereo right now - Jackpot F+
17. Piercings - Navel
18. what are you wearing now- my boyfriends pink pajama pants and a grey tanktop
19. Wishing - and hoping
20. Wanting - and needing
21. What will you be doing for the remainder of the day - watch a novie. have sex again if lucky. sleep
22. If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what - George Bush. Don't tell.
23. Person you wish you could see right now - My landlord. I'd probably hurt him.
24. Some of your favorite movies - A Clockwork Orange. Rocky Horror Picture Show. Moulin Rouge. What Dreams May Come
25. Something you're looking forward to in the coming month- Nothing, to be perfectly honest.
26. The last thing you ate - Alfredo - old Spaghetti Factory
28. Do you like candles - Yes
29. Do you like incense - Yes
30. Do you like the taste of blood - Not really
31. Do you believe in love - Yes
32. Do you believe in soul mates- Yes
33. Do you believe in love at first sight - Yes
34. Do you believe in Heaven - No, but I wish I did
35. Do you believe in God - No
36. This one is choose your own I guess?
37. If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be- A man
38. What is the longest you've ever stay[ed] up- I have no idea.
39. Can you eat with chopsticks - No :(
40. What's your favorite coin - I like the Chinese coins (with the center square missing)
41. What are some of your favorite candies - Non chocolate ones
42. What's something that you wish people would understand about you - I am not mean, I just sometimes want to be left alone.
43. What's something you wish you could understand better- Men
44. Who is someone that you really wish was still around- No one that I can think of.
45. Where is your favorite place to shop - A tie between the mall and thrift stores
46. Have any tattoos or piercings - Didn't I already answer this question? Also...2 tattoos
47. What is your favorite thing to wear - Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Or close to it.
48. How much is the most you've ever spent on a single item of clothing - I bought a 100 dollar jacket.
49. Who is the least fashionable person you know - I can't say. They read this.
50. Do you match your belt with your hair color - Um...no
51. How many pairs of shoes do you own - like....15 or so
52. What is the worst trend you see today- Those lingerie shirts
s p e c i f i c
1. have you done drugs - yes
2. What kind of shampoo you use - whatever is on sale
3. What are you listening to right now- I just heard matt yawn
4. Who was the last person that you called - Temperance
5. Where do you want to get married - At this point I could care less where as long as it happens some day.
6. How many buddies are online right now - 10000000. I dunno, I'm not on my home computer
7. What would you change about yourself - most things. Start with boobs and work my way up
8. What are essentials in your life - food. water. air conditioning. starbucks.
9. Do you send out holiday cards each year - nope
h a v e y o u e v e r
1. Given someone a bath - yes
2. Bungee jumped - no
3. Made yourself throw up - yes
4. Skinny dipped - yes
5. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble - no
6. Cried when someone died - yes
7. Fallen for your best friend - no, sorry. can we still be friends?
8. Been rejected - no
9. Rejected someone - yes
10. Used someone - no
11. Been used - of course
c u r r e n t
1. Hair - same old thing...brown...long...curly
2. Make-up - not much to tell
3. Annoyance - my landlord
4. Smell - red wine
5. interest - none
6. hate - see #3
7. need - attention
8. plans for tomorrow - work. kill landlord if electricity is not fixed.
9. mindframe - fuxord
10. hurt - myself