
I am so much older than I can take

Horoscopes For Today: 7/5/2006
The energy around you today is powerful, so take it seriously! Keep in mind that everything will be magnified 10 times at least ... tiptoeing around the house could cause walls to crumble, and a firm handshake could sprain a wrist. You can't even imagine what could happen if you smile at someone a little too long! The bottom line is that you carry extra weight today and can make a lot happen with little effort. Make the most of it -- take a big risk.

I'm doing my best to feel this energy but...
The past few days I've been miserably sick, but at least able to function. This morning I've discovered that while I mostly have my voice back, all the ickiness is draining and it feel basically like I'm drowning because my lungs are so disgustingly full of fluid. I've coughed up more nasty stuff than I can remember ever doing in the past.

Going to try and harness this imaginary energy...somehow...


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