
Happy 4th

I've been laying in bed for about an hour waiting for the fireworks in my neighborhood to stop but its showing no signs of even slowing down. It sounds like bombs going off or rapid gunfire from all directions. Aislin was so freaked out that she is sleeping in my room. The cats are hiding. I'll never get to sleep. Its getting hotter inside by the minute, but I can't really open the windows because the noise is so loud. I wonder when these people sleep? Do they sedate their giant dogs because I know that they would be barking like crazy and they aren't as far as I can tell. Kinda hard to tell over the explosions...I think there is actually more this year than last year. I don't remember quite this quantity in rapid succession last year.

I'm making a vow to myself to get the hell out of this place by March of next year. Nights like this are a prime reason that I just can't keep up here. My deadline gives me a chunk of time to pay off bills and hopefully get my credit straightened out. I don't really have any big debt, just alot of little debt so I figure if I really tried I could get it all paid off fairly quickly and I'd have my tax return to move with (which is usually around 4000). Problem is, of course, I'm going to have to put myself on lockdown -- no more retail therapy, no more eating out every day, no more wasting money just to waste money. There are only two high dollar things that I actually need to buy and everything else can just wait.

I can hear a cat outside screaming...I wonder if Meow-Meow got out again...


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