

I have a headache the size of China. I have not gotten nearly as much sleep as I've needed in the last few weeks. On Monday hell-month begins at work and I should probably prepare myself by bringing a sleeping bag and a few changes of clothes (hey, at least they have a shower there) because the odds are that I will be spending every waking moment in the new dungeon Panatonni has so graciously constructed for me on the first floor. I might add that the heater down there does not work.

I have to go to Home Depot to get 'things' to rebuild my closet which has finally collapsed beyond repair. I have no idea what to buy. Why can't a person just buy a closet? It would be so much easier. And where the fuck is my landlord at a time like this? Probably at a rave in SF with his other frosted-hair friends. Sometimes being a girl sucks. I can't go into Home Depot and actually ask the people what to get because then they turn on the condescending tones saved for "girls that shop at Home Depot".

I went to a gross movie and was feeling a bit queasy and when I got home I walked right into a lecture about my plants. "Stephanie, you can't kill your fucking plants. Buy them pots they actually fit in. I took off all the leaves but now you have to save them." Thanks, Josh. I needed that. This coming from a guy who nearly killed all of my fish the first week he was staying here. ("Well, they looked really hungry"). I escaped outside to just remove myself from the lecture. So if that wasn't enough for my nausea, my neighbor came out to talk to me. This guy really freaks me out. "Heeeeey neighbor, can I come visit you sometime." What the fuck? No, you can't. "Heeey pretty lady, are you doing ok?" I guess on the flipside the creepy guys do watch my house and essentially look after me. One of them takes out my garbage cans on garbage day. Another one rakes my leaves and cleans up the yard. I don't know what they think they are going to get out of it beyond a "thanks". One of them does because I have never called the police when I've come home to find him drunk on my lawn. (Which is several times a month.) The others, no clue.

I think most of all in the whole world all I want right now is to curl up under all my blankets and watch movies in peace with a cup of anything warm to drink until I pass out. Mmmmmm...heaven.


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