
Picture I'm a dreamer, I'll take you deeper, down to the sleepy glow

Hurray for 4 day weekends!

Nothin' much doin' today. I've been super sick with consumption, west nile virus, and the avian bird flu which all combined together to give me a nasty case of laryngitis. Yesterday I was only able to make squeaking noises. Today I sound like an old lady with a 7 pack a day habit. Sexy.

I cleaned about 75% of the carpeting yesterday and most if not all of the berry goo is gone from the carpets. I had to take apart and rebuild the vacuum twice yesterday because of all the cat hair clogging up the hoses. While I was doing this, all fucked up on Thera-Flu, two things came to mind.

1. I am NEVER living in a place with carpet again. I hate carpet, I've always hated carpet, and I'm sure I will continue to hate carpet for as long as I live. I miss the beautiful wood floors that Damon and I used to have and I almost miss the bizarre tile floors that Josh and I had. I will never miss carpet. Never.

2. Kyao is getting a fucking haircut. I did some research this morning and learned all about the 'lion cut'. I think this would actually be the perfect solution but I have no idea how much it would cost because she has the longest hair of any cat ever and she is huge. Plus it is so matted in some spots that (I was reading) she may require sedation to remove them. I've cut out the bigger more obvious mats, but some are just too close to her skin. I kinda prefer the punk lion cut to the original one, but hey...whatever works.

This is the 'original' lion cut:

And the punk version:


Blogger Stephanie said...

I think you're right. She's a black and white kitty and would look cool all punked out.

And I actually have two cats now. I got a kitten for the girls (named Meow-Meow) and then about a week later a friend had to move and couldn't take his cat so I ended up with Kyao (a GIGANTIC fluff ball). I'll show ya pictures soon ;)

And by the way, I miss you insanely, Kat. Let's get together soon?

1:11 PM  

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