
Aislin's new career path

Aislin is super pissed off and sitting in her room bawling her eyes out because she wants to 'make a film' right now. She just watched the original King Kong and apparently the only thing she picked up on was the filmmaker parts. Keep in mind, she is 4 years old. She has a big plastic projector thing that looks like a telescope and projects images off of viewfinder slides. If you have kids or were a kid within the last 20 or so years you know what a viewfinder is. For the rest of you it is a toy that looks like bright red binoculors. You put these little wheel slides in it and pull a handle to make it skip to the next image.

So there she is with her projector. She has now attempted TWICE to put actual DVDs into the slot that the slides goes into and is really pissed that I won't let her continue to ruin all the DVDs in the house. I even told her that I would let her use my camera tomorrow to make her own 'film' as long as she went to bed but I guess a digital camera is nothing compared to a fake projector once you've watched the original King Kong.

To end the dispute, I've promised to read a few more chapters of the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. She thinks she knows a special secret because we went to see the movie after reading the first book together, The Magician's Nephew, which tells all about how Narnia was actually made and wasn't in the movie. For a brat she can be really cute sometimes.


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